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McNair: My Start to Success

Before Joining McNair:

Last year, I felt lost. Lost in my path, lost in my words, lost in life. I wasn't doing my best in classes, which was very discouraging because my dream was to further my education by pursuing a graduate or professional degree. My grades lessened my determination. I also had no idea how to start developing a path to reach my goal of attending graduate school. One day, an opportunity passed by—the McNair program.

Discovering the McNair Program:

My sister told me about McNair after seeing many posters around campus. She happily handed me a pamphlet. I thought I would give it a try, though I didn't have much hope, assuming I would get rejected. I scheduled an appointment to learn more about the program. After gaining a lot of information, I decided to take my chances and apply.

To my surprise, I was accepted into the program. Today, I am a proud McNair scholar. This program has given me direction in achieving my goals. The people within the program are so motivating and positive. Whenever I feel in doubt, Dr. Wonder and Dr. Orser are always there to motivate me. This program has benefited me in many ways.

Things I Have Learned Being a McNair Scholar:

Firstly, I have gained many ideas about the various programs and degree levels I can pursue. I used to not understand the differences between a master’s degree, a PhD, and a professional degree other than the time required to complete them. Dr. Wonder encouraged me to explore these programs and choose a few to apply to. After doing my research, I realized that, for now, a post-baccalaureate or a master’s program would be suitable for me as they are shorter and can enhance my chances of getting into medical school. If not medical school, a master’s degree would still help me excel career-wise.

Secondly, I have improved my academic writing skills. Previously, I was mainly a creative writer, focusing on describing content in an informal manner. The writing practices in class have helped me improve, along with the constant feedback from Dr. Wonder and Dr. Orser. Their feedback is positive, unlike other professors who give very discouraging comments. They use encouraging words and motivate me to keep writing until I get the hang of it.

Thirdly, the McNair program has given me an overall boost in my self-esteem. In class, Dr. Orser encourages us to 'market ourselves' by portraying our best qualities. He explained that it’s not ‘bragging’; it’s just putting yourself out there, and you shouldn't be ashamed of showing off your accomplishments. After reflecting on his words, I listed out my achievements and realized how far I have come. This exercise not only boosted my confidence but also helped me recognize my potential and set clearer goals for my future.

In conclusion, the McNair program has been a transformative experience for me. It has provided me with the guidance, support, and confidence needed to pursue my dreams. I am no longer lost but am now on a clear path toward achieving my academic and professional goals. The encouragement and support from Dr. Wonder, Dr. Orser, and my peers have been invaluable. I am excited about the future and am grateful for the opportunities the McNair program has opened up for me. With the foundation I have built through this program, I am ready to take on the challenges ahead and make my dreams a reality.

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